AFGE Union Membership ID Cards

All Local 1040 members should check their Union Membership Card, verify your card has not expired. If expired, visit AFGE.ORG sign-in to your account request a new membership card under "My Profile" page.   Check your profile page verify your contact information is correct (Mailing Address, Personal Email Address, Phone NO.), update accordingly to ensure your receiving important mailed information from AFGE.  If your membership card is expired, or you are not a member in good-standing, contact your Local 1040 Treasurer and re-submit a Form 1158-1.

New Members

If you have not received your AFGE Membership Card, more than likely the address on the form 1158-1 you submitted when joining AFGE Local 1040 was incorrect or misread, and your card was sent to AFGE Local 1040 Treasurer.  Contact Local 1040 Treasurer to make arrangement to pick up your AFGE Local 1040 membership card.

If you have any questions concerning your membership status, the TSA Voluntary Dues Deduction Form 1158-1, or require assistance in verifying your membership, contact your Local 1040 Treasurer.

Wanted: Stewards

Growing Stewardship!
If your interest is in being a part of the backbone of your union, being a  Steward is just for you.

We are currently recruiting for new stewards to be trained in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and the TSA Unitary Dispute Resolution System (UDRS).

Stewards provide BUE members with assistance in their response to sick leave restrictions, LORs, Disciplinary Actions, and also requesting Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP) and/or Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) assistance.

If you could spare sometime to post flyers in break rooms in your terminal, we need your involvement....

If you are interested in assisting in any of these areas, or any other area of your union.

Please send an email to

If you would like a representative to contact you, click on I WANT TO JOIN to send an email to AFGE Local 1040.

Want to Stay in the LOOP? Login and Update your AFGE membership information today!

Make sure your MEMBERSHIP contact information is up to date in your AFGE.ORG profile to receive Local 1040 email messages.

Make sure your information is up to date.
(Mailing Address, Email Address, and phone numbers)

Create your AFGE membership PROFILE

Take advantage of all the benefits available to members

Your membership card contains your Membership ID NUMBER in order for you to participate and take advantage of Union Plus Benefits, available to all members. Remember to carry your membership card with you at all times.

Local 1040 New Hire Guidence

Join us on FACEBook at Local 1040

Probationary Employees

If you're currently a probationary employee, please be very mindful of your sick leave usage. A vast majority of the employees that are removed during this trial period are officers with attendance issues. Unscheduled use of sick leave to be more specific, and excessive amounts of tardiness.

To spearhead this, the union suggests utilizing the shift trade process and refrain from using sick leave. Use your RDOs to schedule general medical/dental appointments. We would like to see the retention rate for the probationary employees increase to near 100 percent. 

Please contact or email any union official to assist you with your career with TSA.

Review and Update Your Beneficiary Forms Today

It would be to your benefit to review your life insurance policy, Thrift Savings Plan, or other benefits if the unexpected happens to you.

These forms are legal documents and will determine who will receive financial support in the event of your death. Contact your servicing human resources office to update your forms. When in doubt, fill them out!


When calling out at DFW, and you know you will be out more than one day, the coordination center (CC) will provide a tracking number for each of the days. This does not indicate you have two or more occurrences for the same callout.

Contact a union official if any notice is given to you due to the number of occurrences in reference to the number of tracking numbers given out during the callout.

DFW management is in the process of having TSO fill out a Fit-For-Duty form. Before the form is faxed to the Office Chief Medical Officer (OCMO) the union is requesting that you contact a union official to ensure that you do not submit anything that could negatively impact your work status.


TSA provides employees with FMLA; however, TSA employees fall under a Fitness for Duty and TSA has provided a Medical Fitness For Duty Guidelines Document which TSA employees fall under. Each employee must review these guidelines prior to declaring any FMLA status, while reviewing these guidelines when it states "Restrict" this means you may be unfit for duty. So please read over these guidelines carefully.

When submitting your FMLA medical documentation, TSA will use this medical documentation and review the medical fitness for duty guidelines to determine fitness for duty.

Prior to you submitting any medical documentation declaring FMLA, contact your local 1040 union representative.

Benefit Architects has been helping employees make sense of their employer and personal benefits for over 30+ years.

Your Union Membership allows you to participate in the
following money saving programs!
Drug Test Info
Fed Disability Information
Aflac Group Disability Advantage

Union Member Life Insurance vs. FEGLI

Retirement Planning & New Hire Financial Assistance

New Employee Orientation


Member Info



